Friday, April 18, 2008

MYTH #2: Gender-specific advertising is a waste of marketing dollars.

MYTH: Gender-specific advertising is a waste of marketing dollars.

TRUTH: Bad Gender-Specific advertising is a waste of marketing dollars.

There is a Clear-Blue Easy TV spot running right now that blows my mind. It features the test-stick in mid-air, slowly spinning against a black screen. The first time I saw it, I had to do a double take, I thought it was some high-tech men’s razor. Not really the look that screams sensitivity. But wait, maybe the copy will save it. Nope. A booming movie-trailer guy comes on to say, “It has arrived. The next generation in pregnancy tests. It’s design breathtakingly simple, it’s circuitry incredibly precise. Without a doubt it is the most sophisticated piece of equipment you’ll ever, pee on.” Just as a stream of “pee” shoots from off-screen in super-slow-mo landing on the test’s tip.

Need I say more?

Stephanie Holland, Holland + Holland CEO/Creative Director, is a serious marketing guru with an extremely thorough methodology and ever-present sense of humor to balance it all out. She has headed up Holland + Holland Advertising for 25 years.

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